Personal Profile: Editorial Board Journal of Disability and Oral Health

Name: Dr Blánaid Daly

Present appointment: Senior Clinical Lecturer/Academic Lead in Special Care Dentistry, King’s College London Dental Institute.. MSc Course organiser MSc Dental Public Health King’s College London Dental Institute.

Qualifications: BA B Dent Sc PhD FFGDP(UK) RCSEng FHEA
Specialist in Dental Public Health , Specialist in Special Care Dentistry.

Work contact details:
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Address: Department of Dental Practice and Policy ,
King’s College London Dental Institute
King’s College London Denmark Hill Campus
Bessemer Road
London SE5 9RW
Tel. 0203 2993481 Fax.0203 2993409

Memberships / External Activities:
British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry
British Dental Association
Oral Health Promotion Research Group (Former President )
British Association for Disability and Oral Health
Special Care Dentistry Association
International Association for Disability and Oral Health
Fellow of Higher Education Academy
Faculty of General Dental Practice
Faculty of Public Health Medicine
International Association for Dental Research
British Division International Association for Dental Research
Member of the Expert Reference Group on Dental Care for Homeless People.. British Dental Association
Member of steering committee for Diploma Course in Health care for People who have experienced homelessness, Oxford University.
Member of the Community Special Care Dentistry Research Group, King’s College London Dental Institute,.
South East London regional trainer for the national epidemiological surveys of children organised by BASCD,
Expert member of steering committee on Social Care Workforce in tacking social exclusion in homeless people, ESRC,
Faculty member Faculty of Homeless Health

Teaching Profile:

Undergraduate: Contributor to Undergraduate teaching at KCL Dental Institute on Access to dental care, Clinical prevention, Primary Health Care Approach

Postgraduate: Course Organiser MSc Dental Public Health via face to face to face and distance learning formats KCL. Lectures/Seminar to MSc Sedation and Special Care Dentistry KCL. External examiner (MSc and PhD) at UCL and University of Sheffield.

Research Supervision: MSc and PhD supervision

Awards / Prizes:

The development of dental care for homeless people in London. Ashden Trust (1992). Amount awarded: £30, 595. Investigators Blanaid Daly and Stanley Gelbier
Strengthening Oral Health Promotion in the Commissioning Process. Principal Investigators: Watt RG, Daly, B., and Fuller, S. 1995). Department of Health . Amount of award: £11,700
Development of outcome measures to provide a standard for the evaluation of Oral Health Promotion. Investigators: Watt R, Harnett, R , Daly B, Fuller SS, Munday BP, Kay L, Morgan A, Nowjack, N and Treasure ET et al . NHS Research and Development Primary Dental Care Programme in 1997. Amount of award: £115,320
The oral health needs of homeless people in Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham Primary Care Trusts, Principal Investigator: B Daly. Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham Primary Care Trusts 2004/5. Amount of award: £35,000
Scoping the potential and capacity for research in Special Care Dentistry. Dept of Community Special Care Dentistry, KCHFT 2009. Amount of award: Principal Investigator: B Daly £ 23,000
A randomised controlled trial of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for the management of dental fear. R&D, King’s College Hospital Foundation trust 2010: Principal Investigator: B Daly, G Palmer, K Asimakoupolou, S Scott, P Lisowska, R Hale, S Scambler S, N Donaldson, S Soheilpour JT Newton £ 34,000

Research Interests:

Delivering dental care to special care and vulnerable groups
Disability and oral health
Dental health education and oral health promotion
Non pharmacological behaviour management techniques in people with learning disabilities

Clinical Interests-

Special care groups with mental health problems, drug and alcohol problems, homeless people and prisoner populations

Selected Publications:

Daly, B., Clarke, W., McEvoy W., Periam, K., Zoitopoulos L (2010) Oral health concerns of residents of a Sure Start Local programme. Community Dental Health [In press 2010]
Jaffer, N., Izzadi, M., Daly, B., Newton, J.T.N. (2007). The social validation of pharmacological approaches to the management of dental anxiety in adults: impact on treatment urgency, method of intervention and treatment outcome. Social, Behaviour & Personality 35, 375-386
Watt, R., Harnett, R., Daly, B. et al (2006). Outcome indicators for oral health promotion. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 34: 7-11
Ashley, F., Gibson, B., Daly, B., Lygo Baker, S., Newton, J.T, (2006) . Undergraduate and postgraduate dental students’ reflection in learning: a qualitative study. Journal of European Dental Education 10:10-19

Selected Projects/Publications in Special Care Dentistry: list up to 4

Daly, B., Newton, J.T.N., Batchelor, P., Jones, K.J (2010). Normative need and oral health related quality of life in homeless people. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology; 38:136-144
Jin, E & Daly, B (2010) The oral health concerns of deaf blind people. Special Care Dentistry Jan-Feb; 30(1):8-13.b
Daly, B., Newton, J.T.N., Batchelor, P (2010) Patterns of dental service use amongst homeless people using a targeted service. Journal of Public Health Dentistry; 70:45-51
Gibson, B., Huang, Q., Daly, B., Gregory, J. (2004) Forms of meaning in homeless people’s responses to the OHIP-14 questionnaire: an exploratory qualitative study. Journal of Sociocybernetics Fall/Winter 4: 1-22